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segunda-feira, 11 de agosto de 2008

Bilingualism Deaf Education International Congress – Practices and Perspectives

Bilingualism Deaf Education International Congress – Practices and Perspectives

Pre Congress Program

Mini courses

21/08 Thursday - Bilingualism for deaf - Bilingualism Deaf Education International Congress – Practices and Perspectives

Pre Congress Program

Mini courses

21/08 - Thursday - Bilingualism for deaf - presentation:
Kristina Svartholm - Stockholm University (Sweden)

21/08 - Thursday – Schedule – 14h00 – 18h00 – Topic: Bilingualism, cultural barriers and educational Contexts – presentation:
Robert Johnson - Gallaudet University (USA)

22/08 - Friday - 9h00 – 13h00 - The bilingualism in Chile - presentation:
Dora Adamo Quintela - Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación (University of Chile)

22/08 - Friday 14h00 – 18h00 - The study of sign language acquisition by deaf children - presentation:
Gary Morgan - University College London (England)
Kristina Svartholm - Stockholm University (Sweden)

21/08 - Thursday – Schedule – 14h00 – 18h00 – Topic: Bilingualism, cultural barriers and educational Contexts – presentation:
Robert Johnson - Gallaudet University (USA)

22/08 Friday – 9h00 – 13h00 - The bilingualism in Chile - presentation:
Dora Adamo Quintela - Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación (University of Chile)

22/08 Friday 14h00 – 18h00 - The study of sign language acquisition by deaf children - presentation:
Gary Morgan University College London (England)

Congress Program

August 23rd , 2008

Schedule Activities Presentation
8:00 Registration

8:40 Opening Ceremony

9:30 Conference: Human rights through sign language
Martha Posada - Federação Nacional de Surdos da Colômbia

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 – 12:30 Roundtable: The work with deaf babies
Gary Morgan - University College London (England)
Dora Adamo Quintela - Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación (University of ) (Chile)
Alexandre Jurado Melendes and Sandra Regina Leite de Campos - Escola para Crianças Surdas Rio Branco (School for deaf children)

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch and poster session

14:00 – 15:30 Literacy and deafness
Kristina Svartholm - Stockholm University - (Sweden)
Robert Johnson - Gallaudet University - (USA)
Mirtes H. Hayakawa and Débora C. Kober - Escola para Crianças Surdas Rio Branco (School for deaf children)

15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break

16:00 – 17:30 Roundtable: Social organizations for deaf
Martha Posada - Federação Nacional de Surdos da Colômbia (Federation of Deaf Colombia) (Colombia)
John Haynes - President of Rochester ‘s Rotary Club - (USA)
Robert Johnson - Gallaudet University - (USA)

17:30 Conference: Bilingual Education for Deaf in Sweden: Theory and Practice
Kristina Svartholm - Stockholm University (Sweden)

18:30 Closing ceremony -
Registrations here!!!

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